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Old 08-14-2008, 04:40 PM
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Re: Bell Touch & Tethering

Originally Posted by djsmoisin View Post
HAHA Try This on for Size:

I had purchased my HTC Touch back in March...
I Tethered for 2weeks, Downloading at miraculous speeds of 100kbps+ for EV-DO.

I Received a phone call at the end of the 2 Weeks that was an automated message that stated "Hello, This is an Important Announcement from Bell Mobility..... You are near your credit limit. Please contact Bell Mobility Regarding your current usae and balance."

I Though it was my First/Second Month Payment, and Fun Bundle package and a few other add ons....

hahaah...... ADDONS?

$18,328.67 DATA CHARGES.

What I did was the following:

1. Went directly to the store I had purchased the phone from, and Got a photocopy of my contract.
2. By looking at the reps additional contract Terms handwritten states:
3. Looked at the sales person, said I want these fees to be credited as per the Contract signed at initial Term states "DATA" not "MOBILE BROWSER".
4. THey called Headoffice and spoke in the back office for about 15minutes.

Now, I get every Tether fee waived per month....

They got themselves in quite the situation with me.
I love Bell Now ahahahahah
now my situation was different... it wasnt tethering.. (ill get to my tethering point in a minute) but i had a verbal agreement when i had my bell 6800... they gave me the "unlimited data plan for the touch" (yes she used those exact words about 10 times in the conversation) as a "sorry" for the issues i had up to that point, this was when they didnt know the stipulations of the unlimited mobile browser plan for the touch yet (first few days after release of the touch and that deal). needless to say in 3 days i downloaded 1583mb at $12 per mb... yes thats a $19k data bill in 3 days. they waived it because she told me i had unlimited data use, and she didnt know that i wasnt able to have it.
as for tethering... any way you tether will get you billed unless you use PDA Net. however its done in PDANet it is not detectable from bell. i have it on good authority that they are trying to figure it out. but... as for now... its still your only option, but it works.