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Old 08-14-2008, 10:35 AM
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Re: Touch Diamond release date!

Originally Posted by uuummmk View Post
Can you tell us about the touchflow interface? Does it look hot or is it killed with the sprint tweaks? Did it look like the pic that leaked of the sprint phone? How fast is the interface? How good does the screen look under normal conditions? Best screen you have ever seen? How was the web browsing? Was opera preinstalled (can't imagine it isn't)?

Thanks for any comments boss...

I played with it a limited amount so take anything I say with a grain of salt...

I personally didn't care for the HTC shell that they put over WM 6.1. It is very visually appealing but for instance when I go into my outlook mail I want to see all 15 messages not an envelope with just one. Again that may be able to be tweaked but the only way I saw to do it at that time was to go to Start, Messaging, Outlook... instead of one click.

It looked like the pics leaked with the burgandy back yes.

Interface seemed fine for speed.

The screen... well Ihave the Touch/Vogue. It is very easy to tell the difference with the resolution and it looks very pretty. You can view it from all angles well unlike the reported "bad screens" on the Vogue. It feels more like the Mogul or maybe a bit stiffer. It did not seem quite as responsive though. I reran the calibration and whereas on the Vogue hitting the little targets took very little force it took me more force on the Diamond. This could be of course something tweaked in the registry later I'd guess.

The screen is ever so slightly better in direct sunlight than my Vogue with a "bad screen". The auto adjust backlight was a ncie feature.

So for me... as a business user it was too candy coated for me and not enough advantages over the Vogue to pull me in. I'm hoping the next phone I buy has a larger touch screen than the Vogue/Diamond. That is what I'll be holding out for.