Originally Posted by walla
That's blasphemy. Good sir, you insult PPCGeeks by mentioning AT&T. This is madness. THIS IS PPCGEEEEEKKKKS!!
On a serious note, I wanted this poll to be touch upgrade specific because I want to measure if the demand for custom bell roms are realistic. There are a lot of custom bell roms out lately in Vogue Upgrade section. I thought I made myself clear in the first post. Anyway, it's alright now since I got a good feel for it while the poll was in the vogue upgrade section.
Mods can see who voted what even though it's private? If it's true, I never knew this. Please confirm. Thanks!
...? And I wish I can use that alternate 300 quote you used, but people were deviating from your first post, which they thought was carrier (instead of ROM) related. And in addition, I felt it was more necessary to go along with the discussion that was related to the poll itself. lol.