Originally Posted by RicoRich196
While I can't say I agree. What I will say is that if it weren't for the iPhone
- TouchFlo3D probably wouldn't exist
- The idea of natively using gestures and more finger friendly UIs would still not be that developed
- MS wouldn't be kicking its *** into high gear in creating a more user friendly,finger friendly OS (WM7)
- Many Phones/PDAs that are coming out with sleeker and cooler designs probably wouldn't be coming out.
The list can go on, but we should be thanking Apple for pushing forward more competition and helping to force companies to make better, sleeker, more powerful, easier to use devices. Competition ftw I say.
Yes the iphone did give winmo a much needed wake up call but now what for the iphone I don't really see em doing anything "great" with there next iphone. My Opinion the iphone is just icandy (pun intended lol) a "cool factor" but kinda limited