Originally Posted by stifiling
a little off topic here but it's my solution to get better battery life for push email.
Although it's not really push, I have all my email accounts forwarded to my sprintpcs.com email. I then have the sprintpcs account text notification enabled. whenever i get an email from any account...I get a text message from my sprint email, informing me to manually check on the phone. This solution gives me the ability to always know when a new email has arrived, as well as disabling the evdo when i'm done using it. thus...saving battery life.
Only reason i can think of as to why this wouldn't be the best solution for everyone, is if u can't pinpoint by the sender, (which is included in the text message u get from your sprintpcs email account) u don't know exactly which account to check when a new email has arrived. but a minor workaround, would be to jus check them all.
a trick i've been using for years even since i had a flip phone (and i'm now finally deciding to share) that most people probably aren't aware of. but i have seen some using the same method.
Unique idea, but wouldn't work for the amount of e-mail I get. I get enough text messages as it is. I'd be more likely to be successful by just randomly hitting Send/Receive throughout the day. There'll always be new mail that way.