Any .cab to change color elements/palette to more Vogue-like?
The Vogue's home screen is essentially white on black (that is, white text on black background). And with all of the cooked ROMs, many applications, such as contacts, WMP, calculator, keypad/keyboard are all white on black.
The original WM color theme, unfortunately, is mostly black on white (black text, white background). The common ones I use are text message, Pocket Outlook, Notes, Pocket Word. They are all white on black. This changes the look of the device and brightness of the display which switching from home to these apps.
I am using the "ClassicBlack" theme to keep my home screen background all black. I know the color of all of the display objects can be changed via the registry, SK Tools allows one to change them individually.
I'd like to know if someone has developed a theme or .cab that modifies the registry to get mostly black on white on the WM applications.