Hi this is a stupid question but I used the registry hack by luv2chill to remove the clock from the today screen and just display the time when i flashed the Helmi_6.1 rom (the option in the BuildOS current version) but have NO IDEA where to go in the reg to get it back!!!
Can you let me know what the regedit is to bring it back i've had a look in the registry but can't find it anywhere. Please help :P
Oh and by the way, thank you to all the PPc kitchen team and Helmi, I am a poor as student with a HUGE overdraft and fees of $12000 a year for Dentistry, so can't donate now.... but once i have some disposable cash i'll be sure to donate to the cause woithout u all i would hate this phone, but now it is a work of art! Keep up the good work seriously. Awesome.