Originally Posted by Vancer
Hey all,
I have read and read and read and can not find out how to make a .lnk for the main settings panel. I have read the thread on xda "list of lnks" but it does not have an explanation as to how to launch the main panel, just how to launch various specific control panel options. I want to make a .lnk (shortcut) that will do the same thing as tapping start menu/settings.
In WM 6.0 there was a file called htcsettings.exe that accomplished this but that file is no longer present in 6.1. I went and extracted it out of an old ROM and copied it to my touch, and it actually launches the main settings panel when I run it but there is a problem. When the settings panel opens up, it only has the stock settings icons. So if you have installed nueLED or SIPchange, etc... those options are not present when you run htcsettings.exe?? I can then hit start menu/settings and they are there so something changed from 6.0 to 6.1??
Looking forward to an answer...
hey! i have a fix. its either on xda or on my hdd. hang on a sec.
EDIT: ok try givin this a shot while i keep lookin
EDIT: ok so im pretty sure thats the one i used and stuff, give it a shot and tell me what happens, hope it helps you!