Originally Posted by cyclical
alrighty... apparently this occurs when you get an e-mail that contains some html/links etc.
I remembered exactly when mine stopped working, and for me it stopped working right around 08/04/2008. I got mine working again as soon as I deleted 2 e-mail(s) I had from skyfire. I deleted the following e-mails I had from Skyfire:
Skyfire: Beta 0.6 download now available
Skyfire: Windows Beta 2 confirmation
As soon as these two e-mails were in the trash can, or in a folder that doesn't sync to my Titan, hotmail started downloading all the e-mails again.
I hope this helps anyone that was having a problem, as I assume a lot of you probably have the Skyfire or other html type e-mails in your hotmail.
i have had this same problem for days now. i have flashed 3 new roms and that .0800 (fixed) cab to try to fix it. turns out all i had to do was delete 1 worthless email and everything would be fine. thank you cyclical.