Re: Stupid noob stumped, please help
im not sure cause im not a touch user or a telus user either but check and see if theres a program under the windows folder called EPST then click it and choose veiw and write/type down the settings:
A Key(if you have one)
the home SID: both numbers
and the PRL Id
these setting are important. don't loose them.
but they are mainly used to make sure your phone is set up right.
and the first time i was messing with roms i didnt sleep at all for a day and a half. hope this helps but idk if it will since im on a diff network.
Phone info:
Alltel's 6800
Rom: WinMo 6.5 Build 21501 RC1 (Thanks to Tplane37)
Radio: 3.42.50