Originally Posted by mindfrost82
I think Alltel is the only roaming partner that allows EVDO, all others will only roam on 1X, so that's normal. In most areas we will roam on Verizon, which only allows us 1X.
When I need evdo and Sprint is only 1X I just flash with an alltel branded prl and instant evdo
Just search for alltel 40029.prl
put it on your storage card
##778# select edit enter your code
select prl from menu
highlight update prl
select edit from lower right hand bottom
navigate to the Alltel prl on your phone and update
When it resets you will have evdo if Alltel has it in your area
to go back just do the same thing with a sprint prl that you dl and put on your phone (look for 60612.prl)