Re: Purpose of the STICKIES
But I can't find Sugar Honey Iced Tea anymore! Can we standardize or something, it took me like two clicks to get to the latest No2Chem info. Now I just go to the FTP and hope there's a Nue Rom because while I'm sure mastering the site operation shouldn't take long, I'm just trying to read about No2 and update my phone.
I do understand both sides here but as it stands right now, when I come to the HTC Titan Upgrades now, I get discouraged and leave. Whereas before I came EVERYDAY, it's so bad I went back to the older Nue Rom because I can't easily find the official thread to read current info on the latest Nue Rom.
I know I could figure out how to "bookmark" the thread, but I didn't have to for the past year or so. Anywhozen, I just stuck the thread to the top now. But maybe just for Noob purposes you should write plain instructions on sticking a desired thread on top.
Whatever you do, be the BEST at it!!!
Rolling with Energy Rom
You'll be back!!! 