Originally Posted by blkr00t
It is actually pretty quick and the battery is good. I didn't begin to notice a considerable battery drain yesterday until I toggled on the GPS and just left it on. What I was wanting to see was what would drain the battery and that did it. I find Nex's ROM's to be very funtional for me and the way that I use my phone. The apps are what I normally use although some don't work...re youtube player among others. All in all, this ROM with a 7.5 pp works for me...I might reflash it with a 6 to see how that affects the speed/memory ratio.
You should post what else is not working so Nex can look at it before the releases it.......as far as the ROM I am happy as can be.....I think I had one freeze.....but I had a lot running at the time.....Nex reads my mind with his builds....I only add about 5 cabs to it, as he has everything that I use in his builds.....if it continues as it is with no probs....I will be sticking with it for awhile....