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Old 08-08-2008, 10:14 AM
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Re: screen unresponsive!

Here's another thing that may affect the screen responsivness... don't think its been mentioned in this thread...

HKLM/Drivers/TouchPanel>>> set the pressure threshold higher.

I was once messing around with this and messed up my screen... I set the setting too low (ie. "5") and my screen stopped responding... Using CeRegedit I was able to change it back to like 10000 or something... I ended up putting it on 100,000 and then changing my "Finger Pressure" setting using the TouchFloSettings hack mentioned above to like 90,000 and my phone seems to work flawlessly. Touch is nice and smooth/soft and it moves very quickly b/w menues on the HTC Home Today app...

Hope this helps someone! lol
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