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Old 08-08-2008, 01:35 AM
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Question Re: XV6900 GPS Rev A upgrade help!

Well im having the same problem as ydoggy, but i have ran radio refurbish, a couple of times around now, re-ran sprint and alltel roms without any customazations (not sure i ever let it run the first time, maybee for a sec before i got the button pushed the first time), and i still have the exact roaming problem he was experiencing. I dont have data working either, but i havent really tried to fix that. Radio refurbish sets my MSID back to the original value as well. Setting that and the NAM settings (all copied from a working 6700) back leads me back to working phone but roaming. Any ideas???? I've also noticed that my PRI version is at 1.33_003 and never has changed, even after upgrading roms, etc... I'm guessing that this may be my problem, but i cant figure out how to update the PRI to anything else. I cnat overwrite radiorefurbish.exe in the windows directory, so how do you upgrae/downgrade/change your PRI version???

Last edited by unionlakejcs; 08-08-2008 at 02:27 PM.