08-07-2008, 09:04 AM
Robin Hood of CyberSpace
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Re: Problem after Flashing "no program memory available"
Originally Posted by JuMpMaN6235
So i flashed my HTC touch with kitchens BuildOS, all was good except the album viewer wasnt working, so i went back to buildOS and then selected the correct album viewer, then flashed again. .. Now when my phone starts activesync wont start, when i go to start-> programs nothing happens, nothing happens when i click on the mail, missed call, or txt message boxes, and when i press the time, it says "no program memory available ...." so since activesyn wont start, i cannot reflash back to sprints OEM rom... any ideas? i already tried Hard/Soft resets, still reloads to the same situation
Sounds like a process is taking up ALL the mem for programs. Can you get into task manager to see what is running?