Originally Posted by Jef_Leppard
so in the meantime , what are the extensions to send things to other carriers? i have sprint/mogul and the only people who get what i send are on verizon. so i know verizon is####@vzwpix.com, what about nextel or at&t, tmobile, and sprint for that matter?
I called sprint tech support about this same issue and inquired about MMS. They told me about a work around that you mentioned.. (thre cell number of the reciever @ their carrier's picture email) The tech said she would send me an e-mail she recieved with all the available carriers picture mail suffix's.. Still waiting for it.. If it ever comes ill post em.. Otherwise call Sprint Tech support and get em.. The tech said everyone was sent the codes because so many PPC owners were calling asking about pic mail support.. LET'S KEEP BUGGING SPRINT!!! ......... it might just be working...