BobC -
I have a Sedio and it works really well. I plugged in one of those 2.5 to 3.5mm adapters from Radio Shack that DO NOT WORK with the 6700 to the Sedio and plugged my cassette adapter into that. I've got a 4gig SD card in the phone and play all my music through it and the adapter to the stereo in the car. It's GREAT! Plus, I get the handsfree calls, can speak for the music I want, etc.
I also bought a 2.5 to 3.5mm adapter from Sedio which I can plug any headphones into, or the cassette adapter as was about $6.00 I think. It works just GREAT with the phone....the RS adapter will NOT work with the phone itself (only 1 channel comes through).
So get the Sedio adapter for headphones, etc. With the Sedio holster, you just use any old regular adapter.
Oh...and the Sedio plugs into your lighter socket so you can recharge your phone that way. AND if you get a GPS and software it makes a dandy GPS system. I have INavigator and an ITrek Z1 and with the Sedio, etc have one really slick GPS system. And it cost and is more versitle than a "normal" GPS system.