Originally Posted by reeg420
alot of dialer skins do this.. Problem is that the dialer is made for a GSM phone not a CDMA phone. Everything works fine except for that, wont dial 911, and cannot redial by using the hardkey.
hey dan if your gonna make alot of skins you might want to look into skinning a different dialer. That enables these features. If interested I could point in the right direction.
I'm always up for suggestions, this was listed as a cdma dialer though
and I have no problems with send to redial. have not tried 911, but that has to do with dialparser settings, which most dialers break because people import too much reg, but knowing this is a problem, I left the cdma dialparser intact, so all dialing rules should work i.e. 911 and ## codes yadda yadda. one thing I do know will be broken though, are the greying data arrows, which, is due to the fact that although this was listed as a cdma dialer, I don't think it is