Ok real quick...I think I might have noticed something about this battery drain problem. With AKU 2.2 the data connection would "sleep" when it wasn't being used; although it would keep it's connection. With 3.5 it never "sleeps" so it is a full-time data connection.
Now, those not seeing the battery drain may not be using any apps that are accessing data services...for the rest of us any data connection will force the connection and thus the constant "on" of the data stream. If we can find out how to re-enable the sleep functionality...I think we will have perfection.
FYI...I may only have 2 posts...but I have been doing this stuff for a while. I used to be here before but I bought a new car and interest for the 6700 waned but now that I have the car set up the way I like it...I'm back to the 6700. Ahhh...tis good to be back.