Originally Posted by supergadgetman
Originally Posted by willew4
I am experiencing the same thing with PIE and Colonel's 3.5.3 rom. The ability to view the photo or save it, or anything outside of viewing the thumbnail, is gone. Videomail will no longer pull up in PIE either....
I got a workaround. I downloaded Netfront 3.4 techinical Preview and set it as my default browser. When I get a pic or videomail I click on the link and it takes me to the picturemail site and I can download them to my phone. Media player wont play the videos so I use Coreplayer to play the videos. It works great.
This is actually the same solution that I am using now, except I have Netfront 3.3. It works nicely, still not as easy as before with AKU2.x, but does the job for me.