Re: New Official rom & live & gps bug.
I did another test yesterday morning. I have pushmail enabled on my live account. And just did a reset in the morning and my phone booted up and a data connection was established automaticaly as soon as the phone finished up loading everything. So I now gps needs a-gps because its been over 12 since I used it. So i opened gpsviewer and opened com4 and guess what? No internet rraffic happened, and it took a whole 8 minutes to lock tp gps. So this morning I did the test again but this time I disabked pushmail. So i reset the phone and let it boot up fully and since no pushmail was detected then the phon4 did Not establish No automatically data connection. So there I was, phone in my hand early morning with not connection to edvo. So I launched gpsviewer and opened com 4. As soon as I hit open com 4 the phone made a a data connection and within 13 seconds I had a gps lock. Again I proved my theory is correct. I would like others to try this test too. Maybe someone can narrow down why this is happening and fix it. Thxs for readinG.