Originally Posted by jakdillard
no not actually I used the updated parts of 20273 I will not change the build because there in my opinion no need to .... at one point I would port a build but what I have found is that I port the problems to ... so what I do now is just upgrade what was designed and release to us ... which is the 19208 build ... it has not changed in any of the other carrier builds meaning that Telus and Qwest also use this build so instead of trying to keep up with every build that comes out I will just stick with this one .... by the way alot of these builds that are being release are ported from qvga devices we cannot use the qvga parts so they have to be replaced with vga parts meaning that when its all said and done you really don't have a true 202xx build anyway just the OS and the Shell
i understand, you stated this earlier.....i just referred to it plainly as 20273 for simplicity.....besides, if you hollow out an orange and fill it with the insides of a banana, what are you really eating?
edit: you got your resolutions mixed up....this device is qvga, and you need to replce the unusable vga parts....sleepy?