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Old 03-29-2007, 12:58 PM
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Re: I have to leave!

Originally Posted by gsessons
I got to get me Cingular, because I was trying to get sprint service in my name and come to find out they want $250 deposit and $450 from when I owe in 2002 and that's was because they scared me back then. Anyways I really don't want leave but have to. I was wondering does the sodtware I have on my ppc 6700 can I bring it over to my 8525. Also can anyone tell me what is the big difference between them. to me they looking almost the same.............sorry i have to leave, but i will still be on this site everyday because i will still came my ppc 6700 so i can still play with it and keep it as a test phone.
Sorry to see you leave but it happens. Any sw you are currently using should still work as they are on the same windows mobile 5 platform. some Reg hacks might be different, so you might want to check on xda forums to see what they have currently done with those phones. heres a link
Well goodluck and keep hacking no matter what you have. Peace.
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Hey Brian, Its been 24 hrs, Got my money?
Stop playing with me man.
This what happens man.
You got till 5 o'clock

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