Originally Posted by messymas
Did not work for me!!
It used to work fine and after I reformated my HTC Diamond, it started giving me this error. I have a clean device now (even internal storage is formated) and no SMS/MMS/.. first program I instrall is Garmin XT yet this error pops ..
any clue what is causing it .. I've been strugling for 4-days now and no luck! 
when i updated my touch to 6.1 it obviously reformated the entire phone, then when i went to run some of the apps that were previously installed on my SD card they would not work and i was also getting some error messages. i discovered that for whatever reason the phone was recognizing the SD card as a completely different SD card than before and thus renamed it StorageCard2 meaning that the file paths for all the shortcuts were now incorrect. i am no whiz but the easiest way i found to remedy this was to re-install the apps to the card because for whatever reason i couldnt get the SD card to rename back to just StorageCard. hope that works for ya