Re: GPS while in europe?
well, 24hrs, because the satelites move and the phone may only look for the one's it thinks it's supposed to get, so in 24hrs those sat's should have come around at least once, if not twice...
the connection to the internet is to get the ephemeris data, so the phone knows which sat's it's supposed to see. navizon has a strong international userbase and it may be able to help the phone get an initial lock. (also the trial for navizon requires internet access for positioning help)
something else you could try is quickGPS. I know there's a version ported for the titan floating around, not sure if it works on the vouge.. quickGPS downloads a 7day table of the satelites ephemeris data.
Last edited by shaggylive; 08-04-2008 at 10:34 AM.