This in an old thread. Please see the latest thread at:
This is a hybrid of AKU 3.5 and WM6. Current Version 3.5pr
8 (10-06@6:555M PST)
Things of intrest:
- Speed tweaks
- Internet sharing - Working BT PAN (added pr6)
- ## codes working in Dialer
- Smartdialer working
- WM6 sounds
- WM6 splash and theme (Crossbow theme default)
- WMP WM6 theme
- new today tsk themes (Silo photo shot by me
- new alarms
- .net cf2
- wmodem (working IRDA)
- GPS icon in settings
2*A2DP audio fix
- Nullkeyboard SIP
- Updated fonts (added PR6)
- Wisebar Lite (trial) task management and start menu addon <-NICE!!
1*MS Voice command integrated (exe missing, see below)
- New MS WM6 RDP client
- XPdf app
-"MS Reader" eBook (added PR6)
- MortPlayer and set default for mp3,m3u (added PR6)
- Adobe Flash
- tetris clone game
- Bejeweled game (Trial)
- pNotepad
- vjcandelite
- XCPUscaler (trial)
- tcpmp .071 w/ac3
- clear temp app
PR6 Changes:
- Fixed soft reset hang issue
- removed bad/orphaned reg entries to speed things up
- added fixed bt pan to internet sharing
- Added mort player and set default for mp3,m3u
- added mortplayer skin "mypod" as default and set flat in wind dir.
- added missing .net cf v1 files that was causing some apps to fail
- added "ms reader" eBook app
- Set max/min bitpool 80/50 variable scaling
- Set cleartemp to run at startup, set cleartemp express icon in start
- re organized start menu and added cascading menus for office, media, system and online.
- revised Today date on one line.
- reset TCPMP to prior build
- Turned off cleartype everywhere
- Turned off sync time from carrier
- fixed ringtone listings
- set CEcamander to hide files in rom by default
- changed xcpuscalar to max speed by default 520mhz (no scaling).
- Fixed VC issue with bt headset bt should activate vc.
- set wavedev priority to 95
- added Nullkeyboard
- added fonts "trebuc.ttf, trebucbd.ttf"
- removed attributes for calendar shortcut and link.
Download the latest ROM here:
To install, uncompress the .RAR package. Place your device in boot loader mode and run the MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe to get the install going. Do a hard reset after the update conculdes. (both soft buttons held while re-setting, not what is depicted in the app). Also set the date and time on the welcome screen. Not sure but the trials may expire when you later update the date/time.
Everything is set to load at start that needs to be running (with the exception of *voice command, see below). So Wisbar will load at start and use the settings I found to work well.
I removed everything that I felt was junk which includes the MSN apps, help files, doc templates, sample images, and other non-useful junk (at least junk to me). There was a lot removed.
*NOTE1: Voice command had the EXE removed as this is commercial software. All you need to do is copy your EXE in to the windows dir, create a shortcut to the startup folder and map your button to the exe (recomend using button #5.
*NOTE2: The A2DP has changed for PR6 (PR4-PR5sp1 have the alternate values listed below) the new values here have been reset for use with MortPlayer and will casue WMP to skip at the begining of each song as it loads device.exe at 99% cpu usage for the first 20 seconds of playback. Other media players do not do this and is why I have Mort now set as default. If you want to use media player I recomend the following changes:
Remove reg keys:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Bluetooth\A2 DP\Settings]
(These allow the system to scale the quality based on the source)
Then add:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Bluetooth\A2 DP\Settings]
Decimal values range from 58-30 (Highest to lowest)
Basicly this will hard set the quality of the audio at 34. I picked the value that worked without skipping nearly 100% of the time in WMP. This value can be raised if you do not notice skipping or if you use another app.
Earlier release history:
PR2 Updates/Fixes:
- Fixed .net cf2 and is now working.
- Speed tweaks
- added GPS icon in settings.
- Removed battery and rotate icons in services bar
- Set new default values for some items (ringers, backlight, homepage, etc)
- fixed screen rotate in wisebar to correct direction by default
- Enabled ClearType
- removed weather plugin as it was in by mistake.
PR3 Updates/Fixes:
Note: Not released, basic cleanup build. Changes rolled into pr4
PR4 Updates/Fixes:
- Speed Fixes (Should now be as fast or faster than 3.3)
- New ##dialer app (thanks lightsail!, untested as last minute add-in)
2*A2DP audio fix for skipping in first seconfs of song. (See notes Below)
- Removal of un-needed .net cf1 reg entries and dll's
- Updated version of Clear Temp.
- Removed xcpuscalar from startup. (It was indicated that it should only be used to overclock when needed as power draw negated its use.)
- Removal of additional orphaned files
PR5 Updates/Fixes:
- ## codes now work in dialer
- Fixed "add to contacts" from call history
- Removed SPB imageer trial
- Removed ## Dialer app as now working in phone dialer
- Fixed Smartdialer
- Added Xpdf app.
- Added Adobe Flash
- added back solitare game (original graphics)
- CECMD now has Extended_Rom in hotlist (click url area to bring up)
- Crossbow theme default on today screen
- WMP Crossbow theme
- Slight edit to dialer skin
- SMS delivery notice is off by default
- Button 5 fix reviesed to work when locked
- Voice Command fix for WMP
- Fixed Shortcuts
- Fixed Welcome screen top title bar
- Fixed Notes to be launched from dialpad
- Fixed pOutlook address lookup auto-complete
- cleartype enabled by default in all modes, quality 2.
Other versions and patches:
PR1 =
PR2 =
sar_AKU3.5+_pr4 SP1 update cab =
It will make the following changes:
1- MS VC media player control fix
2- VC BT gateway fix (allows headset to call up vc)
3- Enable cleartype in landscape, quality 2.
4- added link for notes to start menu
5- added solitare back in and set link in games w/updated graphics.
6- Change AKU version info to reflect patch install ("SAR.3.5.pr4sp1")
NOTE: A hard reset will clear the sp1 addtions. If you hard reset you will need to re-install the cab just like any other app or patch.
sar_AKU3.5+_pr5 SP1 update cab = Make sure to turn off Wisbar before installing!
- Wisbarlite v1.1.0.11 update
- BT PAN is now functional
- A2DP now using real stereo and not joint (better sound)
- Updated and missing GAC files
- Null keyboard
- Correction to ring files list
- Fix for BT working with Voice Command over headset
- Updates version information to pr5sp1
Ok that being said, let me know what you find as I have been testing with my registerd app version and not this buid. Although they are very similar things could differ. Also if you see any personal data or registration in any app please let me know so I may get it removed. There were a lot of changes in the registry and I had to merge my addtions to the new registry hives for 3.5.
Again a big
THANK YOU to everyone that made this build possible with all your hard work with the kitchen and testing of build after build