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Old 03-28-2007, 05:35 PM
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For the 2.5mm to 3.5mm adapter, I recommend stopping in your local Cingular store. Pick up the adapter for the Motorola Rokr. (Should be $5.95 if I remember right.) It works perfectly on my tape adapter, portable speakers, and headphones.

RadioShack claims to sell similar adapters. NONE OF THEM work! Don't waste your money.

If you are looking for one with a built-in mic, try seidioonline(dot)com. They sell one with a mic for about $12. I guess you could use your car speakers for a 'speakerphone', but I haven't tried that yet.

If you find a workable FM modulator, let me know. The one I bought from BestBuy was crap. I'm leary about buying another.
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