Thread: 800w Reviews
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Old 08-02-2008, 08:24 PM
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Re: 800w Reviews

Originally Posted by sza3434 View Post
I find it funny how a lot of people whine about battery life. Well guess what, if it wasn't the battery, you'd be complaining about the size of the device. In order to make a device thinner, which is typically important to the majority of users, they have to cut somewhere and unfortunately that means thinner batteries for thinner phones--batteries are not going to last as long as those back in the day.

Also, letting your phone's battery actually die is bad; just like charging it constantly or overnight. You can cause the battery's lithium to crystalize and therefore you get less life. I know, current from chargers are "supposed" to cut off once full and lithium batteries aren't "supposed" to "learn" or memorize charging patterns but this isn't always true depending on the chargers/batteries we use... One last thing, it takes about 5-10 full powercycles for you to get the maximum battery life, so whining on day one really doesnt say anything other than one could appear impatient.

You tell em. These whippersnappers these days dont how good they have it. When i was a kid, we didnt have wifi and bluetooth and gps. we had to walk to school in the snow with no shoes for 6 miles. Uphill both ways.

Get a job you punk kids.
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