Originally Posted by arcalaska
Okay, I unlocked my phone with Hard_SPL_MFG and loaded the Sprint RUU_TITAN_SPRINT_WWE_3.56.651.0_RS_TITAN_3.42.02_S PCS2.04_PPST_0718_Ship
and everything appears to be working. I am using internet sharing right now. I haven't gone outside to check the GPS yet but I'm hopeful. When then phone started to cutomize itself I hit the soft reset after installation.
Yeah, don't let the Sprint customizations run. If it does, it will cause problems and you will have to re-flash.
Let me know how the 3.42 works for you. I still have the 3.35 radio and GPS can be slow at times for the first lock. I wonder if the 3.42 gets locks faster.?!