Re: iPhone Theme by Torx-Tevelopment
Greetz peeps. I'm normally a lurker in these hallowed halls . . . just wanted to let everyone know that I'm working on getting Torx's theme kicking on a (320x320) Palm Treo800w (Sprint). The bar and desktop themes work for the most part (the icons look a little smallish on the larger screen but are very crisp), but the dialer doesn't nor do a couple of the links (phone.lnk for one and I can't find one similar). The desktop images are of course tiled (which doesn't look half bad on a couple themes) so I'm working on 320x320 versions. I'm also scaling up (Photoshop CS3 rocks) the icons about 10 or 15% - should look nice when I'm done. I'll share when I'm done if they actually look worth a S#!^.
I have one question for the counters in the Desktop Theme - %Unread:SMS% and %MissedCalls% seem to be working (thanks to a previous post about playing around with the delay start times), but my question is there a similar environment variable for e-mail, i.e. %Unread:EMAIL% or the like? I noticed there is an add object type - unread Mail/SMS, but that shows the account name and the number. I want something more similar to what's used with the SMS and Phone Icon. Is there a resource to turn to to find other env. variables that could be used elsewhere?