Originally Posted by skny
I just wanted to confirm that this also fixed my MMS issue. I have the DCD 2.2.3 ROM - everything else was working fine except sending/receiving PIC messages. Plain text was fine. I installed the arcsoft cab linked above, and presto - everything is cootchie kool. As a side note - I'm also running the HTC Home Plugin thing - the one that has the weather, and the 6 buttons - and was also running X-Button - and found that things were really sluggish. I removed X-Button - and everything is MUCH better. Memory is reasonable, response is better, etc. If you have that app - you may want to try removing it if experiencing poor performance too.
how do I install, is there a software i have to have to down load to the Alltel 6800. All I can get to is the boot screen. how do I install to Cab