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Old 07-31-2008, 02:07 PM
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Re: Working Vogue Video drivers BOUNTY($1636.00 so far!) - Pledge donations here!!!

Originally Posted by kickenchicken57 View Post
I work as a software developer and I would like to help out with the ATI drivers. I am not attempting to "cash in" on the donations by stealing others hard work so I will say that if I can help I will not accept any donations. I would just like to have these drivers working! What I would like to know is where is the information on what has been done already? I don't want to "re-invent the wheel" by starting from scratch. I think it would speed up the process if we could all work together on porting the drivers and share what we know.

Let me also just say that I am familiar with working in the kitchen and I am comfortable with flashing roms. I have been lurking these forums for a while now and would like to start contributing!
lets get this guy some help