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Old 07-31-2008, 11:51 AM
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Re: Battery Life Management (Vogue, dHarvey)

im getting there with my sprint touch to pull myself out of that noob category...

I have been using dharvey's 2.9 sprint release since it came out, and i broke my teeth on his earlier builds (i think 2.6 was my first). I was very frustrated with the battery life. After switching to the official sprint release i noticed the the dharvey build had the battery life in 1% increments. The Sprint rom dod stay at 100% longer, but it suffered a very fast drop to 90% from there. From there i deducted that the rapid drain in the dharvey rom is really normal drain, but with 1% increments on the meter, it looks like it is going faster.

Of course I have no emprical data to back this up. I do know that the life on this thing is ridiculously short. I may look into the new battery thing but i hate to lose the slim form factor of the Touch.