to leave or not to leave
Well i didn't know where to post this question, but figured this would be the best place for it. I feel my days of owning a windows mobile device are running short these days and really need some advice as what to do. I'm currently thinking about leaving verizon and my 6800 behind for the 3g iphone. Now I already know what is going to happen people are going to crowd this thread with comments like: the iphone sucks or it can't do this or that. Really this is a serious decision and I really need people with an open mind and unbiased opinions on what I should do. I've messed around with both phones and done as much research as i could to actually figure out what i may be losing or may be gaining by switching. Here is what i could come up with:
6800 allows me to download files from internet browser and store them iphone doesn't
Iphone safari browser is smoother in operating aspects and with a hack can allow for data to be downloaded.
6800 allows for multiple applications to be run, while sometime this feature can cripple windows mobiles devices, the iphone doesn't have it. But once again found if you are willing to hack you can allow for this to happen and i also think with enough complaints apple will come up with a firmware update to allow it.
iphone has built in gps that doesn't need a unofficial rom upgrade to enable it.
Comparing the ipone on screen keyboard to windows mobile devices, it's better i don't have the biggest fingers in the world, but it doesn't take much to be too big for the wm on-screen keyboard. The iphone has a good on-screen keyboard that i've used almost error free.
Memory leaks as far as i know are unheard of on the iphone where on the other as soon as i do a rom upgrade on the 6800 i'm resetting my phone at least 4 times a day cause of memory leaks.
Someone may bring up the lack of a video recorder well i don't use mine anyway.
there are other things, but these were just some of things that are important to me. please leave all comments that are going to help make wise decision and please no harsh comments. if you have something negative or positive to say please try to have evidence to back what you are trying to say.