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Old 07-31-2008, 10:30 AM
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Re: Battery Life Management (Vogue, dHarvey)

In general, I don't have the battery issues, and I am using the 2.9 version of his ROM. One thing is that I did notice that the new 1500 mah battery I got needed some time to "learn" how much power it had. After a few days it settled down, although flashing a new ROM has not caused that to repeat, so I'm not sure why this ROM would act differently for anyone that any other with the same hardware. With this ROM and the 1500 battery, I've gone from fully charged to still over 80% after 8 hours with very little usage. With no usage and it just sitting off overnight (7 hours or so), it has gone from 73% to 70%, which I consider good.

How are you guys checking processor usage, BTW? Also, FWIW I have no background apps running and bluetooth is always on.