Originally Posted by JAEPILLA
Thanks For The Help You Guys Are Great! ...... not!
Try to build another ROM using buildOS and load it. Activesynch will not work since the phone does not boot up. But as long as the phone is recognized by the PC that it is there as a SERIAL connection there should be no problem with loading a new ROM on to it.
Originally Posted by mmantz
Must have not followed instructions properly. The only thing i can think of is that i didn't exit Hard-SPL-MFG before BuildOS did its thing. The device looks like its going to boot and then hangs. Tried a hard reset and everything multiple times and still nothing. Also, since i can't get it to boot i can't do anything with activesync. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Hold the Power and Camera key while pressing the Reset button. That will put it in bootloader mode then load another ROM on it using buildOS.