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Old 07-31-2008, 07:18 AM
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Re: Tweak to enable long/complete date/time format in Today screen.

Hopefully this will help even though you say nevermind.

Change the display of the clock in the taskbar
The clock in the taskbar can be changed to show not only the time, but also the date, or just the date, or nothing at all.
To show nothing:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shell\TBOpt = 0 (DWORD decimal)
To show just the clock:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shell\TBOpt = 1 (DWORD decimal)
To show just the date:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shell\TBOpt = 2 (DWORD decimal)
To show both the date and the clock:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shell\TBOpt = 3 (DWORD decimal)

Note 1: If you switch to the Analog clock display, the date will remain visible -through- the Analog clock
Note 2: Setting the clock to show 'nothing' will still keep the reserved space, showing the taskbar background, and obscure any icons that will shift to the right.
Note 3: Your date may get obscured by the space reserved for the OK/Close button in the top-right. You can fix this my adding spaces at the end of your 'Short Date Format'. See also the tweak on 'Change the Short Date Format'

Change the Short Date Format
Applications may call upon the system to provide a 'short date format'. One such application is the Date/Time display in the taskbar, if set to show the date. To change the Short Date Format to show "Mon/2" (example):
HKLM\nls\overrides\SSDte = "ddd/d " (REG_SZ string, no quotes)

More can be found here
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