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Old 07-30-2008, 09:02 PM
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Re: The iphone has the best UI of any phone ever.period

I'll be honest I was Apple hater...well mostly just an iTunes hater. Anyway the guy who sits two seats away from me at work is an iPod fanboy. He has one in shape, size, and color. He waited on the iPhone for 3G. We have had a friendly banter back and forth untill he finally got one. I have to say at first I was impressed with the UI and slickness of the interface. But as we compared phones it quickly became evident that my Verizon Vouge could do everything the iPhone could only better. Rev A is faster, Youtube is clearer and sharpers, Opera is faster than Safari (and that's saying a lot), and no Live Search or Orb. Also I can't say how many times he's mentioned something I've said why don't you just go download x application. He always replies 'b/c it's not in the app store.' (I know you have a lot more options with Jailbreak) So while I will conceed the UI, the proof is in the applications. Even other iPhone fanboys at work had to admit after seeing the apps run side by side that Apple has a lot of work to do. At&t's network doesn't exactly help their cause. Now all the Apple fan boys at work say is that my phone is too complicated and I have to spend too much time tweaking, but they always like the cool new ROMs and Themes I flash. They never crow anymore about how the iPhone is better only simpler. Besides, I'd get board with the same interface no matter how sweet.
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