Originally Posted by MrHappy
Sorry, didn't know it was a dead horse but I have in fact had to turn off the key lock because I kept missing calls.
Another example. If I am in a call for long enough that the screen goes dark and a call comes in I am unable to flash over to the other call without having to slide the keyboard and by the time the phone is responsive enough for me to hit talk the call is already in voicemail...
No, I agree, that would be a problem.. I seem to be one of few (there are others though too) that wants all the buttons locked, when "locked". It wasn't until nuelock that I finally had this, and I have been looking for such a thing since I got my 6700. before my ppc phones I had flip phones, because, candybar phones didn't completely lock those buttons..
I was simply pointing out that it would be nice to have the option.
also hopefully no2chem is/will be working on nuelock so that the screen doesn't rotate for an "unlock" and that should drasticly speed up the time it takes to unlock. (also if/when the wifi switch is funtional for this than it should be less of an issue)
the reason I got a 6700 in the first place was I "needed" a bluetooth phone and was able to get it for free (instead of a basic phone) if a call comes in I don't want to bump the answer button on the phone, rather the button on the headset, but if you use the phone's button, it doesn't route the call to the headset. (may vary with different roms....)
I didn't mean to "discuss" in this thread, but mrhappy's report is a bug, and I just wanted remind no2chem that having the option is preffered. (if possible) thanks again for all the hard work, and fee free to delete.