Hey rstoyguy it's Vancer .... again... hehe
As you know i've been cooking (as you have helped me in OMJ's thread) and i use the same base kitchen as you but have been working off of OMJ's generic clean rom. I have read through here and a couple ppl have asked, but i still haven't seen a clear cut answer on a few questions.
1. Getting rid of the cube alltogether? Since I'm using OMJ's generic clean, do you know what files need to be deleted after running prepit.bat? I figure you know how to do this b/c I'm assuming you had to do it to add your s3 OEM. I'm pretty sure his generic would require the same deletions as the stock sprint as I believe he simply replaced the sprint .brns with generic ones but left the cube in.
2. Since i was modding the cube pre-cubeconfig by thisguyinoc, I'm familiar with aplauncher, mediahubmini, etc.. but don't know all the files to be deleted or out of which directory (such as \sys or \oem\oemapps) in oder to say goodbye to that cube and free up some memory?
3. Once I figure out what files to delete, will buildOS take care of writing the .rgu correctly since the files will not be there?
4. If successful at getting the cube deleted, what do I need to leave in so I will still have touchflo and have finger scrolling for all my apps?
5. Also (if successful at deleting the cube), I assume quickdial.exe would be one of the deletions, but would i need to leave it in for the quick contacts in HHC to function properly (or even would they w/o the cube)? Or if I used something else like spb mobile shell would it have it's own .exe to launch quick dialing of contacts? (or does it use quickdial.exe)
6. I also have the same questions about what to delete after prepit.bat in order to get rid of the letter recognizer and block recognizer? (I actually use the touch keypad and full qwerty)
Much appreciated!!
For the guy asking earlier, I have sucessfully just deleted all three transcriber directories out of \sys and it indeed removes it from the install w/o any problems. I guess buildOS recognized that and took care of the .rgu itself as I'm hoping it will do for the letter and block recognizer once I figure out what to delete.