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Old 07-30-2008, 02:01 AM
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Help USB connection not working after Last ROM Update

None of my computers will recognize my Touch after my last Rom Update. I've checked to make sure it wasn't a Windows issue, but none of my three machines will recognize my Touch anymore. when you plug it into Windows it doesn't even do that normal sound Windows makes when a new USB device is plugged in. I'm pretty sure something went wrong in one of the many flashes I did one day. I dont' know if it's ROM specific or not. I'm running the 2.31 SPL right now with a new GPS rom. This happened after I upgraded to the .2 leaked Sprint Rom.

If I put the phone into tri color screen and plug it in, it does say USB in the white bar, but Windows won't beep to recognize the phone. I can still do ROM updates using the card method, but I can't do anything USB related except for charge my phone. Does this sound like a hardware issue, and if it is, how do I get rid of the unlocker so I can return it to Sprint?