Here are some antennas that come with the connector to the 6800.
I'm a ham radio operator, and with all radios, you can do amazing things with signal by just changing the type of antenna and where the antenna is located.
If it were me, I'd try a 11-13dbi vertical antenna (there are a couple on the page in the link above.)
The antennas are around $40-$50 or less and are a good place to start since it's the least expensive route to achieve better signal strength.
You will be shackled by a coaxial cable to your phone, and depending on where you live, (apartment/house etc) placing the antenna in a good spot might be difficult since the higher the antenna and mounting it outdoors is usually is the optimum spot.
Even indoors, an antenna that is rated at 13dbi gain should work better then the internal one on the 6800/mogul/titan.