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Old 03-23-2007, 02:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Raging Idiot
Just a thought- a text document could be included with things such as what is described on the first post here. Such as what's included in this ROM, and functionality/limitations...ex: how to reenable "vibrate" haha and simple troubleshooting steps for noobs... Such as removing the storage card, taking weatherpanel off of autoupdate, or removing programs /mention of process of elimination. A list could be compiled from this thread of what worked for others, etc.
A section could be added for what might be suggested of things to do/install after the ROM update.

It would be good for everyone's records, but of course not exactly necessary.
ya i would like to include a doc, for the short term though, i decided to put the biggest known issues at the top of the thread on page 1... should eliminate a lot of the questions. And if people read through the revision history they should be able to easily find the other answers they are looking for. In the interem though, i hope most of the lockup issues are resolved. For me anyways 9.5 seems to run a little better than 9.4. I have less lockups and the battery is lasting three times as long since i stopped using activesync. Im hoping that the yahooGO program, when its finalized, allows me to NOT have to use activesync for "exchange-like" functionality. I guess only time will tell.

On the 9.6 status front....

I just got the Resco.Explorer.2007.v6.0.Beta and it seems all kinds of smoother, gotta put that into the to-do list haha. Im hoping the beta fixes the today-screen plugins that are still broken in the OEM i made (i think i know the problem) but anyways, ill get the today plugins working in the v6 beta for r9.6

A kind soul just offered me to build a verizonOEM so the verizon peeps can FINALLY get rid of their ext rom (just like us sprint peoples) so im VERY excited about that. We may see an update sooner than expected for verizon users! (this is the part where you celebrate!) That will finally free up the last restriction and difference in the two roms, as well as give them another 10 megs or so of hard storage!.... yippeeee

thanks again guys, I hope 9.5 rox-ur-sox

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