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Old 07-29-2008, 12:56 AM
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Re: Trouble with Wifi on PPC Mogul 6800

well i think that is your device because i have my mogul for almost a year already and i havent had a problem connecting it to a WIFI... well the only solution is if you have insurance call them and tell them to send you a new phone but you will have to pay 50 for the new one... or if you have the insurance in your phone you can mest it up by trying to install an update and in the middle of the update unplug the usb cable from it, then take it to the sprint store to repair it and just tell them you where doing an update and the phone got mest up so they will take a look at it and they should give you a brand new phone... im telling you that because that happened to me well i didnt do it intensionatelly but they replace ma phone but i have the insurance on it
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