If your getting views, It's working. use visualGPSCE to "Prime" your gps. get it warmed up
open up visualGPSCE and accept then click connect and then click serial port
Com:4 is right
Baud rate: 38400
Then click OK... walk outside and wait, shouldnt take long
Youll know when it happens
Originally Posted by denasqu
Any pointers as to HOW you got TT working on you XV6900? I downloaded and installed it but now I'm in to a catch-22 over the maps. I launch it, run through the setup, and it ends with a PIE screen at tomtom.com that says I can't download the free map for my device.
Fine. I'm not cheap. So I bought a $50 map at tomtom.com and now I can't download it because I don't have device ID!!
If you wait patiently denasqu, I will tell you when
Better request a refund