Re: OMJ's 3.03.04 WM6.1 Custom Touch ROMs w/ User Customization! Updated 7/21/08
I've used the SPB theme, the Wisbar theme, and I'm now using Next's Throttle ROM. The Wisbar was brutal. I know a lot people seem to like and not to take anything away from the great work JDume did, but for me it was so slow and laggy that I found it unusable.
For a while I was using your custom ROM with Greatball's SPB theme. That was probably the least buggy Diamond interface, but it really is just a the Mobile Shell inteface (again not to take anything away from the great work that went into it) and definitly has that feel to it.
Finally, I've been using Next's ROM for about a week now. It is by far the best Diamond like inteface, but seems to be somewhat buggy. I think it's more an issue with Throttle Launcher than anything else at this point.