Originally Posted by robj19
I dont know what else to do. For some reason my phone has gone haywire. One time it got stuck in phone off mode for hours. Finally after five or six soft resets I went ahead and flashed to the new 6.1 rom. Even after flashing a second time my phone is still acting crazy. I open a program and then my screen wont show the "x" in order to close it out. It still shows the top part of the screen from the home screen. In order to get out of a program i have to hit the power button and then hit it again and then it return to the Spb Menu screen. When trying to tap the 'X" on the bottom left of the Spb menu it just sits there highlighted. Like it's saying "Dude did you want me to do something?" Also if i hit my green phone hard key my dial pad wont even come up without a soft reset. OMG this is killing me!! Can somebody help?
throw some more info are way... which ROM are u using? was this same rom working prior to the issues? etc