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Old 07-26-2008, 08:28 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Force Roam in new Sprint ROM

Roam Only, working and making calls.

I did the following which I found in this thread:

Under HKLM\Software\OEM\PhoneSetting
Change AllowRoaming to 0 (not sure if this is needed or not)
Under HKLM\Software\OEM\PhoneSetting\NetworkService
Change ItemCount to 3 (instead of 2)
Create a new String called ItemName3 with the value of "Roam Only" (without quotes)
Create a new DWord called ItemValue3 with a value of 3

Roam Only appeared as an option but I could not place calls.
I recieved the message also referenced in this thread stating that Verizon is unable to authenticate my phone.

So I called Sprint Tech Support and requested an HLR reload. Now I can make calls when I am in Roam Only mode

And now I like MW 6.1 !