Re: Problems updating from leaked to official ROM
ok, I just did this myself as I've never actually flashed an official rom from the card.
I just want to make it clear that ya'll are getting a freebe here because I know the site's just had a massive scrubbing of old posts, and a search may not pull up what you need.... also I remember being a noob and it's hard to search for what you don't know.
what I did, with the file on the card and in the phone.
battery needs to be 50% or better charged.
unplug from power/usb
pull battery, re-insert
press and hold CAM (camera button) then press the pwr button for a sec (longer than a tap)
release both buttons
you should now see the colors, and go to the grey screen.
It should show "TITAIMG.nbh -" at the top, and tell you to press the power button to start the update. doit.
after it's done hard-reset (both soft-keys an the reset button)
if it boots instead of hard-reset, pull battery and hard-reset again.
after it's up and running (customization have been ran with thier reboot) I recommend another battery pull and hard-reset. (not always needed, but better an extra 2mins now than redoing later.)
also, there is a green thanks button to let people know someone's post was helpful.
welcome to the community..